Jimmie Baker,
Faith United M. B. Church: Nashville, TN.
a. Trustee. b. Usher. c. Church bus ministry
a. Viet Nam Era veteran: Army Intelligence
b. Cold war era : Arms Room Manager.
Security Career:
a. newspaper columnist (in Hinesville, Ga). 4 yrs.
b. membership: A.S.I.S., American Society for Industrial Security) 4 years, classes and assigned to Savannah Area chapter
(name changed to [I.S.I.C.] International Society for Industrial Security
Nashville Business College
(merged with Draughons College, 1976)
My Eventful Life(1st publication 2011)
(2nd publication, Bookmark Publishers, 2016, 978149618499, now in special order)
Courier: 20 years of driving; over 800,000 miles driven. Delivering blood components throughout southeastern U. S.
Married: living in Madison, TN.